How long does the design process take?

This is a difficult question to answer, as it varies from project to project. It can depend on the clarity of the original brief, the size of the project, the architects other project commitments, the architect’s and client’s availability to meet/ review drawings to name a few. Because of this clients often underestimate the time required for their architect to produce drawings for their home renovation.

The steps involved usually follow the same pattern, which I have outlined below:

Day 1 - Architect and Client meet to discuss the brief, typically at the property or online

Usually +4-6 weeks - Architect prepares first draft of drawing proposals – usually options are given, and

Architect presents first draft to client – during the presentation questions can be answered. This can be an overwhelming meeting for the client as they will be presented with a lots of information, questions and decisions that they will need to consider. Client receives drawings to review and mull over.

Usually +2-3 weeks - Client comes back to Architect with feedback, changes to the drawings, further questions.

Architect listens to feedback, ask questions to gain a better understanding of what is driving the feedback, explains why the design was proposed in a certain way etc.

Usually + 2-3 weeks - Architect revises the drawings in line with feedback. Architect sends revision to client for further comment. If there are no further amendments to make, the client can sign off on the design.

Design stage is complete.

Next stage is design development, planning application and/or tender stage.


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