Ideal Homes Autumn 2023

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of offering advice to 30 people/ couples from all over Ireland, while working at the Ask an Expert hub at the Ideal Home Show in the RDS. It was a pleasure and a whirlwind to meet everyone. Here are some interesting statistics that I took away from the show:

8x were looking to reconfiguration their existing space
7x were looking to do an extension to their home
4x were looking for a female perspective on their design/ query!
3x were looking for advice on Land mapping or Property Law
3x had queries about the Planning application process and whether they would need to go for planning
2x were looking for a second opinion on plans already granted planning permission 
2x had questions about Attic conversions
1x Question about BER
1x Question about how to find a builder

Most were from Dublin or Offaly!
Most queries were related to bungalows! 
Most extensions and reconfigurations were driven by the need for a new/ updated kitchen!

A lot for me to think about and take on board going forward 🙂


8 Tips for Designing A Small Kitchen


How the Planning Process works